Subject: macbsd_video problems .
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Arnaud Blanchard <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/30/1996 12:59:59

I have dowloaded "macbsd_video.960523.tar.gz" on
I install all the files, in my Kernel-sources . ( NetBSD 1.2_APHA )
But I had one problem , when I make the new Kernel : It said that
" slot and rsrc" was not defined in grf_mv.c , in 2 fonctions:
find_video_params(struct grf_softc *sc, int mode, struct image_data *image)
load_video_driver(struct grf_softc *sc)
So I had 2 lines , in this 2 fonctions
        " int slot ;
          int rsrc ; "
And I got a new Kernel .
I can boot it, and the console runs very well ( in 1,4,8 bit)
But when I start X,the screen appears completely white ,and I
can't do anything !! ( I tried Xmacbsd.960506 from the X colorKit )

So my questions are
1/ do I need to add something in my config file , for a Color Graf Kernel ??
2/ Is the 2 lines "int slot ;" and "int rsrc;", breaking something ??


PS When I Tried the ColorKit, it Hangs with
        mainbus0 (root)
        ite0 at mainbus0 (minimal console)
        adb0 at mainbus0 (ADB event device)
        ser0 at mainbus0
        nubus 0 at mainbus0
        grf0 at Nubus0 unexpected trap;Vector offset 0xfff from 0xfe00fc00
        Pid0: Kernel format exception
        Process(Pid0) got signal 4
        Pid0: Kernel format exception
        Process(Pid0) got signal 4
        Pid0: Kernel format exception
        Process(Pid0) got signal 4
        Pid0: Kernel format exception
        Process(Pid0) got signal 4
        Pid0: Kernel format exception
        Process(Pid0) got signal 4
        Pid0: Kernel format exception
        Process(Pid0) got signal 4
        (etc,etc,etc,.......:doesn't stop ?)

        My configuration
        a IIci 8/500 with a 64Kb Cache Card
        Video Card : PrecisionColor 8 (from radius) in 640 * 480