Subject: Re: Motorola cpus and swappability
To: Ben Hockenhull <>
From: Lt Avram Dorfman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/20/1996 03:11:40
There is also quite a bit of information on Mac clock-chipping at
Apparently, several people have investigated putting faster clocks into
SE/30s. The unanimous conclusion seems to be that the cpu clock in a
stock SE/30 is shared at least with the video card, and as I recall,
everything. At the minimum, if you changed the clock, your monitor would
be useless.
I have a 40MHz Daystar accellerator (slotless) in my SE/30. This card
also came in a 50MHz variant. I tried changing the clock on the
accellerator card itself via one of the jumpering mechanisms recommended
at the URL above. I couldn't get the machine to boot at 50MHz at all. I'm
assuming/hoping that it's just that my CPU and FPU can't handle 50MHz
(they're only rated at 40). I haven't been able to find a faster CPU to
see if it would make a difference (haven't tried really). I also haven't
been able to get a hold of any slower clocks to see if I can at least eek
a few more MHz out of it. To be honest, I haven't even tried a jumpered
40MHz clock to confirm that my jumper worked.
So, no success stories here, but the theorey is still sound 8-)
This accellerator even came in 33MHz variants. If you can find one, you
should be able to up it to 50MHz with your CPU and a little clock
chipping on the Daystar card!
-1LT Avram Dorfman
HQ USAF Network Management
permanent email address:
"Methodological observation of the sociometrical behavior tendencies of
prematurated isolates indicates that a causal relationship exists between
groundward tropism and lachrimatory behavior forms."
On Fri, 7 Jun 1996, Ben Hockenhull wrote:
> I have an old Apollo 400t that I'm upgrading to a 425t via motherboard
> swap. The 400t board has a socketed Motorola 68030 chip that runs at
> 50mhz.
> Hmmm....I thought, Maybe I can put that cpu in my SE/30 which runs MacBSD...
> S
> So, my question is, can anyone think of a reason why I would not want to do
> this? I assume that since its an 030 chip, just faster, there shouldn't be
> any problems but wanted to make certain before going ahead. It sounds to
> me a lot like putting in a DayStar 50mhz accellerated chip. Am I
> overlooking anything glaringly obvious here?
> Thanks.
> Ben