Subject: Re: How do Install the Current NetBSD version on my mac?
To: Justin Dews <>
From: Jason Godfrey <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/19/1996 18:13:28
Don't bother at the moment. NetBSD doesn't run on a 630 right now. Two main
things need to be fixed before it will run:

1. SCSI or IDE drivers. Right now with some current kernals you can boot up
to the point that it looks for the root and then it freaks. That is because
NetBSD-mac68k doesn't have a clue about IDE drives right now (most, if not
all 630's have an IDE drive instead of SCSI.) There was someone who was
working on getting IDE up and running, but I don't know the status of the
project right now,
   If you wanted to run NetBSD from a SCSI drive you would still have to
wait. It has a newer SCSI chip that NetBSD doesn't support. There is an
effort to get that chip working, since the chip is used also used in
   My guess is the SCSI will be up and running first.

2. ADB. Right now you would have to boot up using serial console. NetBSD
currently doesn't speak to the keyboard right now. There seems to be a
couple of people working getting it to work at the moment. It's not an
obstacle that will prevent you from booting, but it can be a pain.

Since there seems to be quite a few questions about NetBSD and the 6330
right now, I'm thinking about setting up a web page about it. If anybody
has more info, please send it to me.

>Yes, I was wondering, I have a Macintosh Performa 630 that doesn't have an
>FPU and the Formal version of NetBSD does not support a non-FPU machine.
>So, how do I go about installing the Current version of NetBSD because all
>is is binary files and other things and not the files that the formal
>Version contains.
>Thank You,

Jason Godfrey                      
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