Subject: Re: dt 1.1.4 bug report
To: Scott Reynolds <>
From: Calvin <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/18/1996 17:46:52
On Tue, 18 Jun 1996, Scott Reynolds wrote:

> On Tue, 18 Jun 1996, Jell-O wrote:
> > When pppd tells me what my address is, it appears at the bottom of the 
> > screen in non-reverse mode (I'm using the reversed-screen option).
> dt doesn't grab the console.  My solution, er, workaround, was to disable
> any syslog messages from appearing on /dev/console; man syslog.conf for
> more details.

why do that?  run an xterm with the option to grab the console, or run 
xconsole! :)  it'll redirect... 

 ?>\  / \ /  /  \o  \o> The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
/|  --o  |  o--  |\  |  Did wander darkling in the eternal space,
// /  \ /o\ / |\ \\ / | Rayless, and pathless, and the icy earth
""""""""""""""""""""""" Swung blind and blackening in the moonless air;