Subject: Re: Shiva Etherport II ??
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/17/1996 03:35:15
> > The NIC was labeled 83901.  As far as I can see, the NetBSD/mac68k
> > kernel sources make no reference to either a Shiva Ethernet card or
> > the 83901.
> I _think_ that's a variant of the 8390 and, if so, it should either
> work immediately (if it's a repackaged Asante or some such) or it
> should be relatively easy to get the right addresses to get it to work.

There is a series of Ethernet cards named "EtherPort" from a few
vendors.  The latest variant changed the name to "DaynaPort" but they
are all the same, at least from the hardware viewpoint.  Well, or so
I've been told.

I've got one of them, but haven't tried hard enough to get it to work.
My SE/30 must be somewhere on the Pacific Ocean (if it's intact) so I
can't work on it right now. But it shouldn't be too hard to get the ae
driver to work with it, once we know how to get the addresses of the
shared memory and the MAC address in the declaration ROM.
