Subject: Re: Shiva Etherport II ??
To: Walter Ruetten <>
From: Christopher R. Bowman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/15/1996 15:52:25
>> The NIC was labeled 83901.  As far as I can see, the NetBSD/mac68k
>> kernel sources make no reference to either a Shiva Ethernet card or
>> the 83901.
>I _think_ that's a variant of the 8390 and, if so, it should either
>work immediately (if it's a repackaged Asante or some such) or it
>should be relatively easy to get the right addresses to get it to work.
> Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/mac68k **
>   Where does all my time go?  <a href="">Guess.</a>

I can't tell you it will work or it won't work, but I can give you the
following information: according to my National Semiconductor data book the
83901 is a microCMOS implementation of the 8390 NIC (Network Interface
Controller) and the 83910 SNI (Serial Network Interface which is itself a
microCMOS replacement for the 8391 SNI) all in a single chip.  The 8390 is
the chip for which a working ethernet driver exists.  As the 83901 appears
to be merely a single chip CMOS replacement for the 8390/8391 NIC/SNI pair,
it should work as per Allen's comments above.  If you try this board could
you please let us know if it works or not so that we could add this to the
FAQ/hardware pages.

Christopher R. Bowman
My home page