Subject: Re: macOS question.
To: Raymond Canfield <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/06/1996 10:09:07
> I also had to say that this is one place where some kind of hardware  
> works under BSD but not under the MacOS.
> I have a 15" radius pivit GS.  It works fine under 24 bit mode under the
> MacOS but in 32 bit mode it freezes the mouse. (I can click the mouse, but
> it doesn't move.) I have tried every imaginable creation of
> extentions/control pannels/ etc., nothing will allow the mouse to move
> under 32 bit mode.  So does anyone have any idea of how to get out of 32
> bit mode on a IIci?  I had the thing up and running on a IIcx for quite a
> while and all I did was hold down the shift key (took mode32 out) and I
> was back in 24 bit mode.  The IIci doesn't use mode32 so that little trick
> doesn't work.  any ideas? thanks (sorry, this really doesn't go here, but
> the fact that the mouse works fine under BSD and NOT under the MacOS seems
> like something you guys would really enjoy hearing about. :-)

Interesting. :-)

To answer your question, I think that holding down command, option, and
P & R will reset the PRAM, which should dump it into 24 bit mode.

So with this video card in the system, you have problems under MacOS in 32-
bit mode and not in 24? Is the mouse seize instant, or can you do things
with the computer for a bit before the siesure? This happens both with
extentions off (shift down on boot) and with all extentions on?

Sounds like one of the drivers for the card is not 32-bit clean (suprising
if it's a modern (post 1992) video card). Is there an updated driver?

This is very interesting to us as it might be a warning about drivers on
the card needing an update. Under MacOS, an extention can do this. We
might need to add a way to update the drivers on a card too.

Take care,
