Subject: Re: Floppy drive access??
To: Steven Sartorius <>
From: Don Woodward Jr. <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/03/1996 21:24:28
Steven Sartorius wrote...

>I can't figure, however, is how to access the internal floppy drive.

As you've seen there is currently no support - I started a driver and have
every intention of working on it but at the same time that I started
working on the driver code, I began a new job and my time has been limited.

I've never written a driver before but I do have 13+ years of working with
Unix so I'm learning in this case.

I'm going to start setting aside some time to work on it as I would like to
see it work on the Mac - there is source to the Amiga and Sun ports of
NetBSD on I believe one other person was looking into the
Mac floppy support also.

Welcome to MacBSD!

-- Don

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