Subject: IIsi
To: mac port <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/28/1996 04:59:10
my girlfriend's newspaper at her college just got a couple PowerMacs and have
two IIsi machines they don't use anymore.  i am not a big Mac person, i don't
dislike them, the little exposure i've had to them makes me like them actually.
i'm just not into the PC/Mac computers too much anymore.  but, i've been
interested in trying to get them for cheap.  i wouldn't be needing video on
them, but i would like ethernet if possible.  i am interested in running MacBSD
on them and would like to know the best place to read up on the subject.  or
maybe you guys could brief me on the subject if you would like.  i've been a 
user of UNIX for the last 6 years now, so i'm very familiar with it.  there is
no serious need for these computers, it's just that i like to play.  Also,
could anyone give me a brief rundown of the Macs??  ie: what CPU the IIsi, IIcx,
LC III, etc come with, what was the major differences with the different models,
etc.  i am very interested.  maybe you could do me the favor of comparing the
different CPUs to an intel equivelent.  i'm not very familiar with the m68k line
of CPUs and i seriously doubt that you could compare their speeds to the MIPS
line.  the only other line of CPUs i'm familiar with besides the MIPS processors
is the x86 line (all the way from the 8088 to the Pentium Pro)

thank you for your time.


****-> Wonko the Sane <--> aka <--> Slack <--> aka <-->  Brian Hechinger <-****
*****   "Love of one is a piece of barbarism: for it is practiced at the  ***** 
*****      expense of all other.  Love of God likewise."  -Nietzsche      *****
****-> <-**-> su; rm -rf / <-**-> <-****

End Transmission.