Subject: Victory at Last! PB160 Multi-User Boot!
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/24/1996 04:10:42
Hi Everyone!

I'm not sure if anyone else cares, but at long last I've gotten my PB160
to boot multi-user over a serial connection!  The final stumbling block was
in /etc/gettytab.  Not being familiar with the layout of this file, I assumed
that its defaults were set properly.  They weren't.  I had Zterm running at
8N1, and gettytab default was set for 7E1.  After adjusting it, it now boots

Thank you to everyone who helped out with answering my questions, and thank
you to the development team that is making this possible.
