Subject: Re: Wow, I got ADB working on the 660av :)
To: Dave Huang" , "port-mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bob Nestor <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/23/1996 18:49:03
>Thanks to Bob Nestor and his utility to find most of the ROM vectors, and  
>a lot of time looking through the ROMs with MacsBug, I've managed to get    
>ADB working on my Centris 660av :)

The real credit for this program belongs to Walter Ruetten who worked so 
long and hard to get the Performa-550 up and running, and to all those 
who preceeded him in the NetBSD/mac68k effort. Thanks again guys!

Dave has contributed some new insight into finding these special 
addresses in the Mac ROM and his suggestions have been incorporated into 
the latest version.  If anyone else would like to try the program on 
their system, it can be found at:


This file contains both the sources and an executable which should run on 
just about any 68k Mac - at least it runs on my MacPlus and Performa-550.
