Subject: wu-ftpd
To: Mac-Port NetBSD Mailing List <port-mac68K@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Sean Sweda <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/30/1996 11:25:41
Has anyone got this sucker to compile and work?  My ftpd keeps dying
after a file transfer, I've traced it up to writing to the logfile.
I can get it to work fine w/o logging, but that's one of the reasons
I wanted wu-ftpd!  :-)

Any help, or pointers to a better ftpd are appreciated.


Sean Sweda                        :                       ITD OM Unix Team            :      UM Student Publications LAN Admin       :            Owner, Motor City Marauders                :   1994 Internet Baseball League Champs