Subject: Re: Ethernet card status report
To: Josh Moyer <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/29/1996 09:08:24
> Machine: LC 520 w/FPU in motherboard socket
> Kernel: 1.1 dist except for ser.c, which was updated to support a serial console
> Card: It's labeled as an Asante Tech, Inc. (c) 1993 MacLC III Rev. D (had a
> sticker over MacLC III which said AsanteLite)
> Chipset: DP830902AV, with 64K(?!) of RAM (if I'm reading the RAM chips
> correctly - there are two of them, both labelled MS62256L-70)
> Kernel Crashes at:
> ae0 at nubus0: address 00:00:94:45:1f:6c, type MacCon LC III, 32k mem

MS62256L-70 sounds like a low-power 256kbit SRAM chip with 70ns access
time.  256kbits = 32kbytes, so I think the ae driver got it right.

> In an earlier message (Date: 11 Feb 1996 14:27:06 -0500, Subject: Re: LCIII
> Ethernet) Allen said:
> >There might also be some issue with clearing interrupts properly on the
> As the LC 520 uses an LC III PDS would the same apply?  Anyone have any
> ideas about getting it to work?  If I can't get it to work them I'm just
> gonna rebuild my kernel without Ethernet support, as I don't want to have
> to remove/replace the card every time I boot into NetBSD or MacOS.

I'm not sure if it's hung because of the Ethernet card.  What SCSI
chip does the LC520 have?  It seems to me that the kernel should probe
for the SCSI chip after probing the Ethernet, and it's hung right

If LC520 has an NCR53C96 chip, you are (currently) out of luck.  If
LC520 has an NCR5380, it should have worked and probably SCSI isn't
the real culprit.

The thing is, you are one of the very first people who actually tried
NetBSD on the LC520.  So, nobody really knows the answer quite yet.
