Subject: Re: Mac II and no PMMU = no boot?
To: Brad Salai <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/28/1996 19:05:21
> >I know there is at least one place who carries the chip for about $90.
> >I found their ad in Macworld.
> That's not cheap,
Yeah, I know :-( I myself thought it was kinda rip off.
> >Alternatively, you can get the same functionality by installing a
> >68030 accelerator in your Mac II since 68030 has a built-in PMMU with
> >which NetBSD/mac68k works just fine. I'm running NetBSD/mac68k on an
> >SE/30 beefed up (a bit ;-) by DayStar PowerCache (68030+68882@40MHz)
> This is what I do also. The daystar PowerCache's are expensive though. I
Well, actually I bought it directly from DayStar a few weeks back only
for $95 (+ tax & s/h). They seem to still have some in stock. I
think their phone number is (770)967-2077, but I'm not absolutely
sure. You can get the info about their last chance blow-out sale with
their 24hrs automated fax-back service. That's what I did.
> I think someone is working on getting the cache to work with
> netbsd. That will be very nice if it happens.
Yeah, no doubt about it. In fact, I can't think of any reason why
NetBSD shouldn't work properly when the secondary cache is enabled...