Subject: EthernetCards
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Aaron S. Magill <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/27/1996 23:14:05
I am about to start looking for an EtherNet card for my MacIIx running MacBSD.
I've looked a little and can't seem to find any that are under $170.  If
I'm gonna pay that much, I want to make sure it will work before hand...
can anyone give me advice on what "current" (ie. still being sold) nubus
ethernetcards will work, or will I be better off hunting *.forsale
newsgroups and garage sales for an older Mac II EtherNetCard?

Thanks in advance.


Aaron Scott Magill                                   
}{  "I have SEEN evil!  I have SEEN horror!  I have seen the unholy maggots  }{
}{    which feast in the dark recesses of the human soul!  I have seen all   }{
}{  this, officer, but until today, I had never seen... YOU!" - Gomez Addams }{