Subject: Re: New to MacBSD
To: Markus Hitter <>
From: Jassen L. Bowman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/20/1996 20:29:21
> Normally you shouldn't go through the ADB initialisation code with this
m=3D > achine > and this kernel. The boot will stop latest at 'setup_egret
...'. More rec=3D > ent > kernels (like ADBTEST#90) manage to leave out the
ADB stuff at all, so th=3D > e > booting process whould finish and one coul=
log in trough the serial cons=3D > ole. > I will test that as soon as I hav=

Yep, stops at 'setup_egret...' With ADBTEST#90 and #91, it reaches this:

adb: using IIsi series hardware support

That's from #91. I can't go through a serial console, because I'm not=20
going to mess with my hardware. :)

                                 (o o)
Jassen L. Bowman  *Finger me*             =D2Reach low orbit, and you=D5re=
=20 *for more!*              halfway to anywhere in the .oooO  Oooo. Solar System.=D3 -Heinlein  =20
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