Subject: Re: puny Mac II again
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David G. Wonnacott <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/20/1996 11:07:51
Thanks to those of you who corrected me about the Mac II FPU - I
opened up the machine, and there was a 68881. I saw some boot errors
involving the FPU, and realized I hadn't checked to see if I had an
FPU - so I (foolishly) assumed that this was the problem.
However, I still can't get it (the 1.1 release) to boot on this
machine - I get the following error:
Kernel FPU trap
FPU trap 16, code=0, v=0
kernel: type 16 trap
Caught exception in ddb
db> unexpected trap...
This message repeats itself over and over, as if starting db (the
debugger, I assume) was causing an FPU trap 16. The problem occurs
even if I don't check on the "debugging information" checkbox in the
booting options.
The Installation Notes for MacBSD1.1 tell me to check the "diagnostic
gray bars" box - but I don't see this box on the boot options.
Any suggestions? I'm working with unmodified MacBSD 1.1 files, on a
Mac II, with 8M of memory, and a 40M disk partitioned with 2.5M MacOS,
8.5M swap, and about 30M of combined usr & root (I just want to get a
working system). I'm going to try to check the FPU (I'll try running
Mathematica over the network or something), but if that seems OK, what
should I do next? Other than shoot this computer and start with
something more modern, I mean...
Dave Wonnacott