Subject: Re: PPP connection failure
To: Paul Mobbs <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/15/1996 09:21:22
> I have finally gotten my ppp connection up. However, that is all I have...
> I get the message PPP connected ppp0 <---> /dev/tty00 or whatever, and then
> 30 seconds later I get LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests. Any ideas? I
> think it's logging in ok and connecting fine, but it dies somewhere shortly
> thereafter.

Sounds like you don't have the chat script quite right. Are you dialing into
a place which is ppp-only, or will it support multiple protocalls? I
have to type "ppp" after logging in to get ppp up. Try setting the debug
options in /etc/ppp/options and look at the logs to see what is happening.

> Where do I add routing info for the connection? When ppp connects I try to
> ping the dns (I know it won't work) and I get the response that route to
> address unknown or something. How do I add that route to my internet
> provider? The manpages are kind of programmer targeted. What should I do
> with the /etc/hosts and /etc/networks files? I've seen mention of them, but
> nothing usable.

pppd will set up the routing info correctly when the link is up. That's
one of the reasons I prefer it. :-) /etc/hosts should be documented in the
man pages. It provides a local name->host mapping. /etc/networks is used
in NIS environments; I think you can ignore it.

> Also, as a side-note, I have prepared my /etc/resolv.conf as follows:
> nameserver XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
> nameserver XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
> nameserver XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
> Is this the correct syntax? I looked it up in the manpage, but I could be wrong.

Assuming you put #'s in for the XXX's, yes. Also, a "domain my.domain" would
be good.

Take care,
