Subject: ppp speed over dialup link
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brad Salai <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/14/1996 18:04:33
I have, from time to time complained about the Netbsd transfer rates using
ppp over a dialup connection (26k actual out of 28k possible) which were
considerably slower using NetBSD that the Mac OS, 1.6-1.9k netbsd compared
to 2.6-2.8k on the Mac.

This morning, using a kernal that is very close to -current, I transferred
a kernal binary that is even closer to current at 3.3k/sec. according to

Very Impressive!


Stephen B. "Brad" Salai             
Cumpston & Shaw                               Office (716) 325-5553
Two State Street                              Fax    (716) 262-3906

Rochester, NY 14614                           Home   (716) 377-4624