Subject: Pine, uncompress, & segmentation faults
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Milo Sharp <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/12/1996 12:48:42
Yup. It's me again. =)
After my run-in with the resolv.conf file, which I have up and
running properly now, thanks to the kind denizens of the list, I'm having
trouble getting Pine running on my Mac. It's not the readfile problem --
I've got that message archived and I'm ready to apply the patch. It's
not the compilation -- everything I've compiled with gcc so far has
worked fine.
I can't get the damn file uncompressed! I downloaded
pine3.91.tar.Z from and am attempting to
uncompress it to .tar format. Everytime I do so, at one specific point,
it gives me a segmentation fault and core dumps. I've repeated it
several times, with multiple copies of the file from, and it always errors and leaves me with
pine3.91.tar with a size of exactly 17956864 bytes. Apparently this
isn't the complete file, because although tar -xf will work on it, it
doesn't create the entire structure it should.
Any suggestions? I've got the uncompress.core file if anyone needs
to see it.
Milo (Michael) Sharp
"Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines."