Subject: Re: Linux on PDS PowerMacs
To: Julian Bean <>
From: Nick STEPHEN <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/08/1996 17:13:26
>Does/Will the Mach microkernel run on the PDS PowerMacs - the {5,6}{2,3}00
>My understanding of these machines is that their architecture is fairly
>like the NuBus powermacs, so it shouldn't be too hard.
>If this project is unclaimed, then a) who should I write to about it and b)
>is there anyone else out there willing to help me sort it out.
I don't know all the numbers of the different PowerMacs. The reference
page for what will be supported and in what priority is at
I _believe_ that we'll be supporting all 'true' PowerMacs - ie. those
that aren't upgrades from 68K macs. Once we've got the code out there
you're more than welcome to look at it/improve it. In fact, we will
actively encourage people to do so, and plan to merge in improvements.
>Secondly (ish) is the project looking for alpha or beta testers? I am sure
>there are quite a few willing testers on both these lists....
Yes, there are *lots* of willing testers - I'm getting drowned in
emails. The answer is that we have all the alpha-testers we need, and
what we put out will have already gone through that stage. When the
code goes out, I expect it will go out to *everyone* to run, test and
[ Nick ]
Nick Stephen Web:
OSF Research Institute Email:
2, Avenue de Vignate Phone: +33 76 63 48 72
38610 Gieres - France Fax: +33 76 51 05 32