Subject: Miscellaneous questions about MacBSD
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David G. Wonnacott <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/06/1996 13:20:09
I'm considering running MacBSD for some courses I'm teaching this
spring and next spring, and had a few questions about its current
state. I hope this is the appropriate place to ask them - I haven't
found answers on the web site.
I'll be working with a Mac II, possibly some IIci's, and some Quadra
610's. I'm teaching an OS course next spring and I'm thinking about
doing a bit of "hands-on" tinkering with a complete system, such as
MacBSD. And if I'm installing MacBSD for that, I might as well do it
now, because we need some more xterms and MacBSD is cheaper than
either new hardware or the X ports for the Mac than I know of.
So, the questions:
First, will the "current system" run on a Quadra 610? The notes for
the released version state that a work is in progress for a quadra
700, and "This requires (at least) a new SCSI driver and a new
ethernet driver"; updated SCSI and working ethernet are listed in the
"current information", so I'm hopeful that it will work. If it won't
work now, can anyone guess (a) how much more work is needed, or (b) if
someone else will get this working by next December or so (I'd rather
not try to do this work if someone else is already doing so).
Second, will the booter allow "net-booting" of the machines? I'm a
bit short of disk space on some machines, and would like to just boot
off a file server (possibly a Mac running MacOS or a Sun, if possible).
I'm guessing I'll find this out anyway when I start installing stuff,
but thought I'd include this question here anyway while I was asking
about Quadras.
Thanks for any information you can provide,
Dave Wonnacott
P.S. Good news about Linux on PowerMac, isn't it?