Subject: help. need cern 3.0?
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Adam Nicol Delu <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/01/1996 08:54:27
Has anybody gotten cern 3.0 httpd to work on their netbsd 68k mac?

Er, or socks5?

I've almost concluded that I'm too stupid to run socks.  In any case, I 
can't seem to get a working socks5.conf file that works.

What I'm trying to do: 
I have a real mac, "marsha", (running macbsd 1.1) and a
powermac 7100, "cindy", running 7.5.  I also have a Linux machine, "bobby" 
running on a 486dx2 66.  The netbsd mac is on the net from time to time at  The netbsd mac and the others are on a
fictitious network that is reserved by the NIC for testing I
think.  I want the other two machines to be able to see out, so that I can
have netscape running on them, telnet and maybe fetch. Security would be 
nice too, but I'm not that worried--yet.

Please don't flame me for naming my machines after the brady bunch 
characters.  The hardest thing about network administration seems to be 
picking hostnames. . . .

How I'm trying to do it:
I've used ifconfig to add the fictitious network to ae0, the UTH slip 
connection to sl0.  I've added a route for the net  I'm not 
running routed because I think it would be fairly tasteless to broadcast 
my fictitious addresses.  I can only get one IP address from UT :-(  
Marsha's also the default gateway on MacTCP for the Powermacintosh.

I've been playing with Socks5 for about a week now, but I can't get the 
machines to work with it.  It seemed to compile just fine (ran the script 
and let it go all night).  The binary seems to run okay.  The conf file 
probably doesn't work.  I can't attach to the outside, even with netscape 
that is socksified.  Socks5 does not come with a config file, unfortunately.

My experience tells me that I can use cern 3.0 to proxy ftp, http and 
possibly telnet.  Now, I'm not too worried about telnet, because already 
I can telnet into the mac and out from there (on the powermac).  I've 
never compiled cern 3.0 though, since I always just grabbed the Sun4 
binaries or the NeXT binaries or the AIX binaries. . . .The install 
script "puked" all over me, I got nothing, and no amount of tinkering on 
my part (albeit not very dedicated effort) could get it to run.  A 
makefile that runs a shell script that runs a makefile that writes some 
makefiles that run other makefiles. . . . . . . . ick.  This from the 
people that bring us swiss watches?  Ah well.

Anybody have luck with cern or want to help me get socks going?  I think 
it would help your NetKarma.  Is there an O'reilly book that covers this?

Friendly attempt to offer something in return:
I'll gladly make the compiled version of socks available to anyone who 
wants/needs it.  I've done both 4 and 5.

I'd like to make perl5 available too, but I'm sort of at a loss for how 
to put it together for distribution.
