Subject: Re: 1. still won't boot right & 2. ideas for creators of netbsd
To: None <, port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ben Cottrell <benco@ucsee.EECS.Berkeley.EDU>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/01/1996 09:49:48
> i boot it single user mode as root fine. but it's read-only. ok, i can
> handle that. problem is, if i go into multi-user mode, it automatically
> runs a whole load of daemons and then gets stuck looking for a link file
> which doesn't exist (or some such error).
Can you type in the error message and send it to the mailing list? The
netbsd /etc/rc files *should* run through fine without any errors--I'd
suspect something went wrong in your installation.
> - how to edit the etc/rc that's running all those daemons,
You can boot into single-user and mount the filesystems read/write, then
type the following commands:
export TERM
(assuming that you selected sh and not some other shell from the single-user
prompt), and use an editor on the file. Since you say you don't like vi,
there are a couple of other editors on the system: ed and ex. Try both;
see which you like better.
> would the guys who do netbsd for mac please do the following:
> - make a booter program that actually *does* save its prefs. i get really
Umm, RTFFAQ, please. There's a workaround to the bug.
> - make the thing stop asking me for root shell and terminal type when i
> boot in single user mode (currently the only mode that boots to a shell). I
This question really makes me wonder if you've ever used a UNIX-like
system before. I'd suggest getting a good book on system administration
(my favorite is Nemeth, Snyder, Seebass, and Hein, "The UNIX System
Administration Handbook"... get the second edition)... UNIX isn't something
you just jump into and learn how to use.
> - make an a/ux mounter for the macos so i can mount the a/ux partition and
> see what is on it and more importantly, be able to edit the files in bbedit
> because i **HATE** "vi" and it's the best you get under unix.
vi is what you get. It's standard, it's small, it's fast, and it's
quite powerful. Not to say that you can't compile other editors like
emacs or jove or something once you get the system running, but you
won't last long in a UNIX-like OS without knowing vi.
But to answer the question, yeah--such a mounter is built into the
install program. Go into the installer and select "minishell" from the
file menu. It'll give you a "shell" which you can then use to "cpin" and
"cpout" files from/to the Mac filesystem.
____ -Ben Cottrell (home page
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