Subject: Re (failed) : New ADB Test Kernel
To: John P. Wittkoski <>
From: Kees van Ginkel <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/01/1996 17:10:52
>Hello all,
>ADBTEST #77 is totally redesigned from the netbsd.11.28 kernel. This version
>is much more interrupt based, and so does not have to spend as much time
>with interrupts off. Also, it has framework included to support other types
>of ADB hardware, although currently only the IIsi-series ADB hardware is
>supported. I am working on support for II-series ADB hardware at this time.
>Another advantage to this kernel is that if it doesn't know which type
>of ADB hardware your machine has, then it skips the ADB setup. This way,
>machines that mostly work, except for ADB support, may still be able to
>boot the rest of the way and be somewhat useful by using serial login. Please
>see the ADBTEST.77.txt file for more info.
>Details of ADBTEST #77:
>   Based on kernel sources pulled down about 1/25/96.
>   Should work on IIsi, IIvi, IIvx, P600, ClassicII/P200, LCIII/P450.
>   May work on Color Classic, LCII/P400/P405/P430, LC575/P575/P577/P578,
>      Q605/LC475/P475/P476.
>   It will NOT work on II, IIx, IIcx, IIci, or SE/30.
>   It will NOT work on ANY Powerbooks.
>   Reading and writing to the PRAM/RTClock does NOT work, but it gets the
>      time from the Booter. (This should be fixed soon)
>   Skips ADB setup if unknown or unsupported ADB hardware.
>   Includes the recent serial fix and recent scsi fix.
>Please let me know what successes and failures you may have.
>        --John


I tried it on a colour classic, 4MB with apple ethernetcard. It boots until
the message :
scsibus0 at ncrscsi0

.. and then nothing , it freezes.

I installed a 1.1 version from scratch.



Kees van Ginkel

Apple Computer Apeldoorn                internet  :
Laan van westenenk 492                  applelink : ginkel1
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