Subject: Re: 1. still won't boot right & 2. ideas for creators of netbsd
To: John Ostrowick <>
From: Adam Forsyth <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/01/1996 13:26:16
> 2.
> would the guys who do netbsd for mac please do the following:
> - make a booter program that actually *does* save its prefs. i get really
> annoyed resetting boot vol scsi id to 0 from the default of 5; no matter
> how many times i click on save, it just doesn't save. I'm sure we all have
> our internal boot volumes set to 0. I'm sure most of us would rather keep
> the thing on the internal hard disk instead of some arbitrary external
> drive (which we might not necessarily have).

My experience is that it does save its preferences, you just have to 
close the preferences box first and then tell it to save the preferences.

Even though you can  save while you are looking at the dialog box to 
change them, it doesn't actually save them.

> - make an a/ux mounter for the macos so i can mount the a/ux partition and
> see what is on it and more importantly, be able to edit the files in bbedit
> because i **HATE** "vi" and it's the best you get under unix.

I think thats what mini shell is for.  it is in the installer.  it has 
some minimal commands and allows you to view the files in your aux 
partition.  it also has a cpin and a cpout command to copy files in and 
out of the partition respectively.

0       Adam Forsyth        0                                0
0  Luther College SPO 713   0   e-mail:  0
0    Decorah IA  52101      0    phone: (319) 387-2489       0
0    web:    0