Subject: Re: Booter env values
To: Kevin Radke <>
From: Angel Orille-Franz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/01/1996 19:33:23
On Wed, 31 Jan 1996, Kevin Radke wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if some kind person with a normal SE/30
> (16Mhz '030) would email me the booter "env" values for
> TimeDBRA and ADBDELAY (Uncheck the "Don't dump env vals"
> in the booter. You can also check "wait for ok before
> booting" so you can see the values.)
> I am also interested in these same values for the IIci,
> IIsi, and Daystar enhanced machines. (Please include
> info such as cpu speed etc...)
> Thanks!
> Kevin
here are the ones of my genuine SE/30 (8MB RAM):
TimeDBRA: 2619(0xa3b)
ADBDELAY: 784(0x310)
Angel Orille