Subject: Etc...
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: the boogeyman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/31/1996 22:41:26
Could someone with a bootable IIsi kernel point me in the direction of 
one/how to shove it in via installer onto my AUX partition, and where i 
could get X-Win?

Also, what are the dsrc11, gsrc11, ssrc11, and src11 files used for? If i 
am not mistaken the files that they are the sources to are already 
installed via the other *11 files?

And, last :), can i compile anything (like GNU stuff) such as pine, pico, 
screen, irc][, etc...Or do i need to do some editing to them?

Awaiting booting for the first time :)

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