Subject: Re: aargh, I'm ready to throw the mac out the window
To: Alex Ardalich <>
From: Uncle John <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/31/1996 00:42:00
Yes, I run PPP quite happily on my IIci / LCIII.

However - I could never get it to work with PAP authentication (though
that's probably my own fault). So, one of my dialup accounts which
establishes PPP first, _then_ asks for ID I have not got working yet.
However, I do have my other account working, which dials up, you log in,
then PPP starts. That one was fairly easy, and based heavily on the scripts
in the man pages, and seems to work fine. You need (for ease of use if
nothing else!) to add to your chat script options to cope with the BUSY
signal etc - it all helps!
The accoutn I have working is a fixed IP. However, investigating the logs
with my attempts at PAP authentication suggest that in fact PPP was happily
established, and non-fixed IP was successfully assigned, and my mac (unix
box :) knew what it was supposed to be. It was the authentication that

If I remember righ you can get PPPd to route its error logs to a log file
in /var/log - I suggest you turn this option on, as it's reasonably helpful
for debugging connection problems etc - you at least see how far you are
getting. It's in the man pages as a switch on the command line. I woudl dig
it out, but I'm in MacOS right now, and short a monitor for the other mac!

My PPP connect line is this:

 pppd -d -bsdcomp tty00 19200 connect 'chat ABORT BUSY "" "ATZ0" OK
ATDTnnnnnn CONNECT "" ogin: myusername sword: mypasswd' defaultroute modem

Might not be perfect, but it works :)


At 2:12 31/1/96, Alex Ardalich wrote:
>Hi All,
>Has 'lots' of people managed to get ppp to work? :/
>I tried entering the files in a previuos posting...
>I get the connecting....done
>but pppd doesn't even run.
>I tried the other suggestion of getting pppd/chat to dial the no.
>and then kill the processes...
>It dials the number but the processes disapear by themselves.
>and when I try to use cu I get the following error..
>cu:write Input/Output error
>and it disconnects.
>I am very close to throwing this thing out the window....
>oh, what does one put as a machine name etc for ppp? (if I ever
>get it working) or does it get ignored?
>Thanks for any help, Alex
>Alexander Ardalich
>Adelaide, South Australia

        +-+-+                Uncle John (aka:tugs)                +-+-+
    +-+-+         Macintosh Fan - Hater of Microsloth Windoze        +-+-+
    +-+-+     Admin on Monochrome ( for more details)     +-+-+
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