Subject: Re: Idiot at work
To: Kirk Boston (bs ifsm) <>
From: Angel Orille-Franz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/26/1996 02:45:56
On Thu, 25 Jan 1996, Kirk Boston (bs ifsm) wrote:

> Alright everyone forgive me for asking another dumb question but how do I 
> get my cdrom to mount. (seemed easier on the sgi)

for example (don't forget: mkdir /cdrom)
mount -r -t iso9660 /dev/cd0a /cdrom

> what is in .xinitrc is 
> #!/bin/sh
> exec /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm &
> exec twm

I made the experience, that the xterm given in the X.Mar95 package 
did not work on my system, so I had to recompile it.
Press the mouse key to see if at least a twm menu pops up
(don't forget to install a .twmrc file in your home or a
system.twmrc file in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/twm.

> so I probally need to add some other files somewhere but I don't have 
> even a small clue when it comes to X since I have only used solaris and X 
> already configured on the sgi's at school...

If you see a big cross, and you can move it with the cursor, then
X is running okay; everything else has to do with the windowmanager
and the started applications.

Have fun,
Angel Orille