Subject: Re: Idiot at work - cd's
To: None <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/25/1996 22:04:12
> At 15:11 1/25/96, Kirk Boston (bs ifsm) wrote:
> >Alright everyone forgive me for asking another dumb question but how do I
> >get my cdrom to mount. (seemed easier on the sgi)
> mount -t cd9660 -o ro /dev/cd0a /cdrom

or use "/dev/cd0c". For mounting, I don't think the difference matters, but
things like cd player programs need to use cdXc. The difference is that in
NetBSD/mac (and all ports other than i386) sdXc & cdXc refer to the
whole drive (i386 uses sdXd), and certain scsi commands can only be
sent via the "whole drive" device. Commands like the ones which make
the CD ROM play an audio disc. :-)

Take care,
