Subject: Re: netbsd.scsi
To: Tim Schmidt <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/25/1996 10:11:06
> 1) How in the world are these kernels being numbered?  The three I've had
>    in the last couple days were:
>      NetBSD 1.1A (WORMHOLE) #44: Thu Jan 18 00:18:18 PST 1996 (from eskimo)
>      NetBSD 1.1A (GENERIC) #51: Thu Jan 18 05:48:48 PST 1996 (from eskimo)
>      NetBSD 1.1A (GENERIC) #33: Wed Jan 24 04:15:15 EST 1996 (from puma)

By person...  When you do 'config GENERIC' in a clean source tree, the
first kernel you build will be #0.  Each time you attempt to link the
kernel, that version gets incremented by one.  I generally ignore that
number, myself, although I probably shouldn't...

> 2) I said before that the latest kernel boots fine on my IIsi.  It does.
>    But there's one error message displayed that doesn't seem to affect
>    anything, but...  "savecore: can't find device 0/0".  What is device
>    0/0 and why can't it find it?

That's because the /netbsd and the current kernel are not the same.
Savecore needs to get the default dump device from the kernel, but
if /netbsd and the current running kernel don't match, it gets confused.
So do a few other programs.

I'm sure some other folks can help you with SL/IP.  I haven't used it in
a while.


Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/mac68k **
   Where does all my time go?  <a href="">Guess.</a>