Subject: Re: Xmacbsd.950912: Curiosity killed the cat
To: Sean Sweda <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/24/1996 05:48:20
> I have duplicated this as well.  Perhaps it has something to do
> with the small screen size on the SE/30.  The annoying thing about
> the other X servers is the lack of functioning up/down arrows.

Included below is my .xmodmaprc file:
----<included text follows this line>----
! This is an `xmodmap' input file for Apple Standard ADB keyboards.
! Automatically generated on Wed Jun 28 20:09:20 1995 by kenn with
! XKeyCaps 2.22; Copyright (c) 1994 Jamie Zawinski <>.
! This file presupposes that the keyboard is in the default state, and
! may malfunction if it is not.
remove Mod1    = Alt_L

keycode 0x3D =  Down
keycode 0x3E =  Up

add    Mod1    = Meta_L
----<included text ends above this line>----

and I just put the following line in my .xinitrc:

xmodmap $HOME/.xmodmaprc

That's it.  Removal and addition of Mod1 means I use the command key
instead of the option key for Mod1 modifier.

> I'm currently embarking upon the advanture that is building X
> and will let you all know if I ever get it to work w/an SE/30.

You'll need to modify the original source from the X consortium.  If I
were you, I'd wait until the diffs are released by Allen (uh, I *am*
waiting, actually).
