Subject: Re: Wittowski Kernel
To: Rick C. Petty <>
From: Hiroaki UEDA <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/19/1996 16:06:21
At 11:57 PM 96.1.16 -0600, Rick C. Petty wrote:
>OK. I've installed that kernel, but I still get a crash. When I click
>on "really boot: Hit RETURN..." then the cursor locks up. No gray
>bars. No nothin. I have:
>LC-III, 36Mb RAM, 768K VRAM, external 4-gig Seagate, and an internal 160M
>with a 50M ROot&Usr partition, 12M swap partition.
>Is the problem just that I have swap < real mem?
>I've installed the netbsd11 and base11 sets.
>--Rick C. Petty, aka Snoopy
> email:,
> WWW:
I use the Wittowski's kernel on my LC III 12MB RAM, 768 VRAM, w/o FPU, 1Go
internal HDD-Fujitsu.
I remark 2 points on your configuration.
1. You have to boot less than 8 bit color mode. It is better to boot on 1
bit color (B/W) mode. In my experience, I didn't success to boot on 16 bit
color mode.
2. You have to set 72MB of swap partition. It means that you need to set
the swap partition for twice space of RAM capacity.
Good chance.
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