Subject: Re: Looking for TeX and cross-compiler
To: Scott Frederick Kaplan <>
From: Coevoet Marc <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/19/1996 09:39:18
> Okay, not long ago a couple of different people announced a couple of different
> First, someone announced the compilation of TeX, along with all of LaTeX2e
> and associated goodies. Where is this package?
It's me:
follow my homepage
or directly to
> Second, someone announced a cross-compiler that would make mac68k object code
> and binaries. Where can I find that beast?
I found out that was
and sent him a mail...
I would definitely like to have a X compiler too...
Marc Coevoet, BFUCC email:
Adolphe Buyllaan 91, phone: ++ 32 2 650 37 07
1050 Brussels, Belgium fax: ++ 32 2 650 37 40