Subject: Re: Booting my IIsi bomb seriously
To: None <, port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: matthew david clarke <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/16/1996 20:25:58
>      I can't boot my Mac IIsi with NetBSD 1.1 installed on a disk.
>      It runs smoothly until the following:
>     =20
>      PRAM: 0x30fb9d05, macos_boottime: 0x30fb9cf9
>      Kernel illegal instruction trap
>      pid=3D1, pc=3D....
>      and then the registers and the stack follow and I end up in debug.
>      I have also tried the generic v 50 kernel on but it=20
>      gives the same result.
>      Clues, anyone?
>      BTW!
>      Mac IIsi
>      9 MB memory
>      2 x 80 MB disk
>      internal video
>      standard mouse & intl keyboard
>      Thanks in advance/Michael
OK. Here's my $0.02 now that my netbsd1.1 is working :)  

This is very similar if not exactly the first problem I was having (I have a
IIci though).   To get past the PRAM error, I reduced the RAM in the booter
by 1Mb.  (as is instructed for old versions running on the IIci.  People
told me this was outdated, but it seemed to affect something).  This
effectively got me one step further where It would say "Automatic Boot in
Progress. Starting File System Checks"  Then everything would stop.  

How did I fix this?    Well... first I got GENERIC#50.   This did not help a
bit.  Then I pondered and pondered and finally decided "screw this" and
started over.  Now I know this seems a little drastic, but it did work.
When installing, I installed all the files (including GENERIC#50) and after
installing ALL of them built devices and fstab.  First try after that it
booted.  I also gave the installer something like 2500k for memory.  

That's all I can tell you right off the top of my head.

Matt Clarke   KE4RWB  ||  ||          "Wherever you go, there you are"
   (606) 224-8217     ||-----------------------------------------------------
  "Proud Mac Owner"   ||