Subject: Re: Virtual terminals
To: Jason Green <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/04/1996 12:43:16
Thus spake Jason Green:
> Hi all...
> Straight to the point - virtual terminals don't seem to be working on my machine :(
> I'm running a IIci, and are using internal video.  Whenever I type Command-1 or whatever, I just 
> get the number I typed up on the screen.  Am I going about changing terminals incorrectly?
Here's the thing, the virtual terminal code was pulled out of kernel space and into a separate program (called dt) quite awhile ago.  I cannot recall
if it was before or after the release of 1.0, but I would reccommend for
numerous reasons, not the least of which is the SCSI driver, upgrading to
1.1 anyway.

However, in the meantime, You should be able to get a copy of dt from  Because you are running 1.0, you will have
to rebuild the binary to run with the older kernel grf structures. :(

> I've tried creating a "ttye1" device using MAKEDEV.local and adding an entry to /etc/ttys for it, 
> but that just freezes the boot process at "starting ttys" :(
You should get rid of this sorta thing.  dt will take care of the virtual
devices and management of that sort.

> Oh, almost forgot to tell ya' - I'm running the kernel distributed with NetBSD-1.0, and the whole 
> 1.0 package.
If you have a slow net connection, you could at least upgrade to the 1.1 kernel.
The generic kernels all have compatibility with netbsd-1.0 binaries builtin..

> Please help!  Thanks in advance.
Hope that this did.

Gene E. Skonicki - - 'ph -s sparta' for more info
  "And, in the end, I chose the one less travelled by, and that has made all 
   the difference." -Robert Frost