Subject: Re: serial trouble
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: KITAMURA Yasuichi <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/24/1995 19:50:43
wrstuden> Take care,
wrstuden> Bill

Thank you for your reply, and sorry for intrrupting your work. But,
it is not still clear for me, and I'd like to ask the novice question

I'd like to launch the ppp session from my SE/30 to other machines.

I have to make sure my SE/30 can communicate with the modem via the
Macintosh configuration cable.

First, I typed the following without any modems nor the cables.

I:	% tip com0b
SE/30:	connected

Then, I connected the modem with the Macintosh-configuration-
modem-cable to the modem port.

SE/30:	lost carrier
SE/30:	[EOT]

So, I'd like to ask the following novice question.

o Is it possible to communicate with the modem via the Macintosh
configuration cable from the NetBSD 1.1 on SE/30?

                                    / 8  7  6 \
                                   (  5  4  3  )
                                    \  2   1  /
                |Pin  | Name  | Description                        |
                | 1   | HSKo  | Output Handshake                   |
                | 2   | HSKi  | Input Handshake Or External Clock  |
                | 3   | TxD-  | Transmit Data -                    |
                | 4   | GND   | Signal Ground                      |
                | 5   | RxD-  | Receive Data -                     |
                | 6   | TxD+  | Transmit Data +                    |
                | 7   | GPi   | General Purpose Input              |

o If not, should I change the cable configuration to the RS232-compatible?

                                    / 8  7  6 \
                                   (  5  4  3  )
                                    \  2   1  /

                    | Pin   | Name    | Description            |
                    |  1    | DTR     | Data Terminal Ready    |
                    |  2    | CTS     | Clear To Send          |
                    |  3    | TD      | Transmit Data          |
                    |  4    | SG      | Signal Ground          |
                    |  5    | RD      | Receive Data           |
                    |  6    | RTS     | Request To Send        |
                    |  7    | DCD     | Data Carrier Detect    |

Thank you for your patience.