Subject: MacBSD 1.1 on a Powerbook 165?
To: macbsd <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Adam Forsyth <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/12/1995 10:09:02
I've downloaded the 1.1 port, and installed it on an EZ135 cartridge.  I 
am trying to boot my Power Book 165 with it.  I have 14 megs of RAM 
installed in my PB.  There is no FPU, but I thought that 1.1 supported 
030 processors without one (at least enough to boot).

It gets to saying 

mrg:  not setting up egret
mrg:  ADB interrupts not enabled

then it freezes.

If i turn on serial boot echo, it says after that:

trap type 1, code a24d, v=42a75e1b
kernel: Address error trap

Then dumps the contents of a bunch of registers, then ends with:

stopped at _Debugger +0x6:unlka6

ANy suggestions?  I couldn't find the  way it said to debug with bars in 
the booter.  I also took my Syquest to a friends SE30 with an FPU, but 
still had no luck.  Did I probabbly install something wrong?

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