Subject: NetBSD 1.1 hangs on my IIvx - Ethernet prob?
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Holger Skok <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/08/1995 15:12:03

I've gotten NetBSD1.1 from the German mirror site and installed it
on my spare internal disk. During the install, the installer
quit several times with an unimplemented trap error but by
being persistent and re-doing the installation of various parts
over again, I finally managed to have the installer run through
without any more error messages. I've got the kernel, base11 and
etc11 onto the disk and attempted to boot.

Everything went fine, I could see the common startup messages
about the devices detected and so on but before the booting
was finished the system came to a complete halt. The point
in the boot process where that happened was right after the
ethernet card was detected and its data displayed. Short of
pulling it out, is there any way to bypass this particular step
using the debug code? Or oculd it be that there are other
problems that I would have to fix by means of the mini-shell
included in the installer? (which crashed on me once as well,
by the way)

Where can I find detailed info about the supported ethernet
cards? (Mine is a Asante MacConII)

(My first posting to this mailling list... hope it gets through).


| Holger Skok                                                            |
| Institut fuer Thermodynamik und Waermetechnik   Universitaet Stuttgart |

| phone:  ++(49)-711-685-3230                     Pfaffenwaldring  6     |
| fax:    ++(49)-711-685-3503                     D-70550 Stuttgart      |
|                                                 Germany                |
| e-mail:                                      |