Subject: Serial under 1.1?
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jack Culpepper <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/06/1995 01:19:01
Hi everyone!

Is it just me, or has serial i/o stopped working altogether in 1.1??  I have
been running 1.1 since it was released, not needing to use my serial ports
for anything.  I know they worked under 1.0.  Now, however, this results:

wallace# cu -l /dev/tty00
cu: open (/dev/tty00): Permission denied
cu: /dev/tty00: Line in use
Exit 1

Here is my /etc/ttys:

tty00   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt100 off secure
tty01   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt100 off secure

Here are the permissions on /dev/tty00:

crw-------  1 root  wheel   12,   0 Dec  4 00:39 /dev/tty00

I am positive no other process is using /dev/tty00 (so the "Line in use"
certainly isn't valid).  Also, I have noticed that when I check the "serial
boot echo" box in the booter, nothing comes out the port (at least, not that
I can see on my PowerMac).  It should come out the modem port, right?  I
have tested my cable using ZTerm under MacOS on both ends, and it works fine.
What am I doing wrong?

My setup is:
IIsi 17/80 with external 240MB and 270MB drives
Asante EtherNet
Kernel compiled from 1.1 sources sup'd on Nov 29

Thanks in advance!  (And thanks for a cool OS for my Mac, too!)
