Subject: Re: LCII
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: Kelly Campbell <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/28/1995 13:56:57
> Great! Check ROMBase to make sure that it's getting set properly to
> 0x40a00000, too.
Yeah, that seems to come in from the environment vars set by the booter.
ADBBase however, did seem to be wrong. I tried fixing it but I don't think
I got it fixed right... it still locks up.
> The ADBAlternateInit is, I think, called something else in the ROM
> maps. Walter should have a better idea... :-)
Perhaps he can shed some light on the situation. I'm gonna catch some sleep
for now and work on it later.
Thanks so much for all the help everyone. This has gone alot easier than I
ever expected. You guys have some great code put together for this thing
| Kelly A. Campbell | Kansas State University |
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| | Network Administrator |
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