Subject: ppp intro
To: Jorge Ramos <>
From: Francois Pays <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/26/1995 13:06:45
>I now have another question, could someone tell me
>where I could find a faq (if there is one) or ANY info on how to connect
>with ppp using 1.1a .
I have not seen any FAQ or HowTo about PPP on any NetBSD/mac68k site. I
think it would be a great idea for someone to write one, since setting a PPP
link is actually a bit tricky. (No. Not me ;) However, PPP is not NetBSD
specific at all so there are numerous interesting FAQ about it across the
web. I believe there are also some interesting script examples and READMEs
in the pppd sources directory.
Talking of your problem, what you have to do is basicaly writting a shell
script that launches /usr/sbin/pppd with the right arguments. As usual,
man pppd and man chat is the best way to start. The here'after example
should give you some landmarks.
-- Francois Pays
/usr/sbin/pppd /dev/tty00 57600 connect chatscript -ac -am -vj -pc netmask defaultroute modem crtscts noipdefault
(Some of these arguments such as modem and crtscts are probably useless.)
$CHAT -v -f $MODEM
'' AT&FM1$SB57600S30=0S6=1S11=120&E11 OK ATTD555555555 CONNECT ''
ogin: mylogin
assword: mypasswd