Subject: Re: Baudrates
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Aaron Rosenzweig <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/15/1995 22:31:20
The AV macs and PowerMacs have serial ports greater than 57.6Kbps.
The Internal ports on 100 series powerbooks is also greater, but the
blackbirds (500 series) internal ports are slow which is why only the
100 series PowerBooks can use the PowerPort Platinum.

        There are Nubus cards that offer extra serial ports but I don't
know much about them.

        Shoot straight!

             ____          ___           __----__   _/\
          _/^ __ ^\_    /~^_/ |       )/^        ^-^ _/ The bearded Tubist,
       _/^ _/^  ^\_ ^\ | ./  /~      /(            _/\.       son of
     _/^_/^--_     ^\_^\-__-~      _/( \         _/  ./  Ginger and Harry,
   ./^_/|  \_ ~\      \_^\_      /^ _(  ~-_    _/ \./\
 _/^_/   \_  ~\ \      ^\__^\../^_/^ )\    ~~~~    _\/   Aaron Rosenzweig.
<__/       ~\__\|         ^\.__./^      ~---____--~ ~\
finger to get my PGP key.