Subject: Re: current kernel ?'s
To: David Bushong <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/02/1995 23:29:32
> 1)	Does it still require an fpu?  (If so, is there an fpu-less binary?)


> 2)	Which machines does the adb work correctly on? (excluding 
> 	 machine-specific mrg kernels)

To my knowledge, the standard kernel works on the ADB for:
	SE/30, II, IIx, IIcx, IIci, IIsi, IIvx, Perf 600, Q700

I don't know if any others work.  The LCIII definitely works with
John Wittoski's (sp?) work.

> 2b)	More specifically, does it work on a Classic II (does any kernel)

I don't believe so.  John's might, though--I forget.

> 3)	How close is this to (and how close is the) 1.1 (?) stable release?

The announced 1.1 release date is still 17th November.


Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/mac68k **
   Where does all my time go?  <a href="">Guess.</a>