Subject: Re: LC3 CPU fan
To: Francois Pays <>
From: Uncle John <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/02/1995 22:27:34
>what current cpu fan are you talking of ?
>My LCIII came with no fan at all... :-/

Well, my guess is that he meant the fan that's in the base of the LCIII
rather than one actually mounted over the CPU itself ;-)

If your LCIII came with no fan whatsoever, I'd be _very_ surprised.

Mind you, it'd be a pretty quiet computer that way!

I'm still umming and erring about doin this LCIII speed-fix thing... scary
business. Has anybody (given that the LCIII is now defunct) tried asking
Apple their thoughts one this? Before you laugh, I realise that their
reaction is likely to be "No no, you should speed up your LCIII by
purchasing a powermac", but I've seen some pretty candid responses about
stuff from apple's engineers in the mac newsgroups...and maybe they'd
answer there?  Who knows..

Cheers all,


If I need to install newer binaries (running X on my LCIII seems to
complain about problems or something and 'expecting later version'
and doesn't manage to run at all), can I protect my existing system set up,
and if so, how?
(i.e. users, groups and so on...), or is that not likely to be overwritten?
Many thanks.. :)  (sorry, I guess only a part-NetBSD based question, but
wha the hell :).

        +-+-+              John Herbert (aka:tugs)                +-+-+
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    +-+-+       Macintosh Expert - Hater of Microsloth Windoze        +-+-+
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