Subject: Re: 4 MB?
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David Johnston <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/30/1995 15:19:23
> Is it possible to do any compiling at all on a 4MB system? (At
> the very least, is it possible to rebuild the kernel in 4MB ?) (I have
> an old machine I don't feel like putting any more $ into)
Yep, you sure can. When I started with NetBSD about half a year ago I
had only 4MB in my IIcx, but managed to compile perl, xv and a
current kernel (and several small programs). I had lots of swap space (40MB
I think) and when compiling the system ran veeeery slowly - You
definitely don't hang around waiting for compiles to finish, unless you've
got a very good (and long!) book... I think the slowest I got the machine
was when I tried compiling xv and running X at the same time - the machine
didn't panic or anything, but I could hear the system paging constantly.
I got sick of it very quickly and installed 16MB more ram.
David Johnston