Subject: xterm translations broken
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Timothy C. Barthel <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/23/1995 21:00:25
I have the following xterm translations in ~/XTerm:

XTerm*vt100.translations:  #override \
<Key>Prior:  scroll-back(1, page) \n\
<Key>Next:  scroll-forw(1, page) \n\
<Key>Up:  scroll-back(1, line) \n\
<Key>Down:  scroll-forw(1, line) \n\  
<Key>F4:  insert-selection(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0) \n\
Shift <Btn1Down>: popup-menu(fontMenu) \n\ 
Ctrl Shift<Btn1Down>: popup-menu(vtMenu) \n\

All the translations work except the last one for vtMenu and if I move any of
the others after the vtMenu one they don't work either. I don't see any
translation error messages. The same translations work fine under X11R6
on irix 5.3. I have an apple mouse, a IIci w/internal video, MacBSD 1.0, and
the original X package. Am I missing something here? Thanks.

Tim B.