Subject: Updating binaries...
To: NetBSD/Mac68k Mailing List <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Dameon D. Welch <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/14/1995 17:55:32
This question probably has an easy answer...

When one decides to "update the binaries" on their system (e.g. from a
different set of tarballs), what's the best way to do it so one does
not write over their current settings? My guess is to *not* untar the
"etc" tarball, but I want to be sure there isn't something else I
shouldn't do.

< Dameon D. Welch (, ) >
     Cornfed - Duckman, maybe you should try distracting them by
               doing what Pee Wee Herman did in that movie.
     Duckman - First of all I don't think it's appropriate, second
               I'm not really in the mood.