Subject: Re: Ethernet connectivity
To: The Great Mr. Kurtz <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/12/1995 00:11:15
> On the same note as ethernet cards, does anyone know of any drivers for 
> SCSI-based Ethernet hookups?

Nope.  If you hear of any, please let me know, or if you want to try
pursuing documentation for them.  I have one by Asante, but no real
impetus for working on it...  Especially as Asante gave me enough
run-around when I started asking for programming info...

I've done enough with it to know that it's probably not cake.  I got the
new SCSI driver to let me boot with the thing attached, but in response
to a SCSI Inquiry, it returned a block of 0's.  That signifies that it
adheres to no SCSI standard (not SCSI-I, not SCSI-II, not SCSI-3 ;-).


Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/mac68k **
   Where does all my time go?  <a href="">Guess.</a>